ABOOK45.ZIP 210,088 05-01-96 Address Book v4.5 for Winword 6.0. Store upto 1000 names, addresses and phone numbers.Search for specific record by name or bycompany. Insert the details directly toyour document. The desired details, in theway you wa
ARCW6M12.ZIP 44,820 05-08-96 Archivist v1.22. Compress, expand filesfrom MS Word. Save your disk space! ManageZIP files with point-and-click.
ARCXL5.ZIP 137,149 05-09-96 Archivist v1.22. Compress, expand filesfrom MS Excel.
BOXER70B.ZIP 429,063 05-01-96 Boxer Text Editor v7.0b <ASP> Powerfulediting capability in an easy to usepackage. Syntax highlighting, columnblocks, undo & redo, global search &replace, macros, WP, keyboard reconfig,large screen support, brace matc
BOXERG7B.ZIP 458,322 05-08-96 Boxer v7.0b <ASP> German version. Favoritvieler Anwender, laufend beste Kritiken.
DANA104.ZIP 469,994 05-18-96 Dana v1.04 for Win 95/NT. Multi-featuredprofessional text editor.
DOC6_2.ZIP 113,185 05-05-96 Doctor6 v2.00. The File Doctor forWordPerfect 6.x. Fixes corrupted WP6 (DOSor Windows) files.
DPAGE200.ZIP 18,435 05-14-96 DoublePage for Microsoft Word for Windows95 and other versions. Freeware macroprints documents in a 2-column landscapeformat on the default printer. Cut down onpaper costs and help save a tree!
ECOPAD26.ZIP 222,766 04-20-96 EcoPad v2.60 for Windows <ASP> Text editorwhich can print up to 8 pages of condensedtext on one sheet of paper using anyprinter supported by Windows 3.1. Printsfiles of any size.
ECPD3250.ZIP 262,252 04-16-96 Ecopad32 v3.50 for Win 95 <ASP>
EDITPT20.ZIP 724,251 04-07-96 EditPartner v2.0 for Windows. NotePadreplacement text editor. Spell checking,search and replace, edit files up to 16megabytes in size, Undo/Redo and FAST! USand Britsh English dictionaries available.
EDTEX32.ZIP 355,447 04-19-96 EdTex v2.07 for Win 95. Text editor canedit a maximum of 2,000,000 characters and30,000 lines. Other features include macrosupport, printing options, word wrap,multiple undo/redo, block editing and more.
JOT15.ZIP 135,419 06-09-96 Jot v1.5. Small notepad type program thathelps with the organization and managementof small amounts of textual informationthrough the use of multiple files, eachcontaining multiple notes.
MEDIT121.ZIP 176,041 05-14-96 MEdit v1.21. Free, graphic, multi-window,cross-platform text editor initiallywritten to demonstrate MGUI Designercapabilities but now is evolved enough tobe considered a useful tool, especially inDOS and Linux.
MKILLER.ZIP 13,037 05-23-96 MKiller v1.0. Detects and deletes macros inMicrosoft Word for Windows documents inversions 6-7. More FREEWARE antivirus toolsfrom the antivirus experts that brought youAntiViral Toolkit Pro!
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MVTOOL40.ZIP 56,755 05-10-96 Microsoft Word Macro Virus Protection Toolv4.0. Free from Microsoft.
NBOOK20.ZIP 53,581 05-02-96 NoteBook v2.0 for Windows. Create and trackshort notes and lists. The main windowdisplays a table of contents built from thefirst line of each individual notebook page.
NOTEBK23.ZIP 169,465 04-20-96 NoteBook v2.3 for Windows 3.1. Notepadreplacement which will open very largefiles; has a toolbar; supports drag anddrop editing; full font control; supportsovertype mode and print/save to fileselected text.
NOTEBK38.ZIP 588,680 06-05-96 NoteBook v2.3 for Win 95/NT.
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SUPRED31.ZIP 268,375 04-12-96 SuperEdit v3.10 for Windows. Features amultiple document editor, an independentnote pad for your desktop, drag and dropcalculator, and now supports largedocuments, word wrap, improved calendar.
THEDJG22.ZIP 365,011 05-26-96 The Hessling Editor v2.2. Text editor basedon VM/CMS XEDIT and best features of Kedit.
TXPADUK.ZIP 203,744 06-04-96 TextPad dictionary for checking spelling inUK English.
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VPAD9510.ZIP5,075,209 06-11-96 VoicePad v1.0 for Win 95. Voice-enabledword processing application to bedistributed as shareware. The productenables you to seamlessly integrate voiceinput with the keyboard and mouse, creatinga natural and intuitive
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WWAMK13.ZIP 20,473 04-11-96 WWAMK v1.3. Freeware anti-virus for Worddetects and disinfects known and unknownMacro-viruses.